Good good !
Yes this is very good for your second song !.
Here are some points you should look after (kritiekpunten) :
1. You only got one diffrent sound in your melodies during the WHOLE song.
ya should add a 'trancy' version of the melody halfway the song to variate it a little.
2. The bass that you use in it is just not cool =P, you should also try to variate it.
like making a diffrent 'gate' in it, instead of one big note (in your piano roll), try 3 small ones. also, a bass sounds much cooler when you copy paste it an octave lower (one on C5 in piano roll and one on C4 in piano roll for example).
You could also support this with a pad, dont do it at start though, but also halfway the song to give your variation more power.
3. The song is to choppy. you should try to add your own style in it.
Ofcourse you are still a beginner, so you dont have an own style yet, but you could try to imagine something. (with your own style i mean : Add things you like and add things that are not very common in other songs. you should let us hear that you have made it. some kind of wierd clap or an own style of making percussion or something.
also you should try to make more effects in it. like a filter in it that goes in and hout, or some other wierd effect. like a reversed cymbal instead of normal ones.
Good luck, and when you don't get what im saying, ask it to me in dutch on msn ^^.
P.S check my BassHunter song im working on xD